A snowy day in Southeast Arizona is always a treat!! The last time we had close to this much snow down in the valley was in the spring of 2001. Talking to Grammy, she said the last time she had seen this much snow here was in the 60's when they recieved 2 feet plus of snow. When you get that much snow around here it is usually followed by a flood, which it was in the 60's. We'll just have to wait and see if the little Gila turns into the Mighty Gila in the next couple of weeks!! But for now we are really enjoying the snow. The schools were closed for a snow day, so Nicole got the day off. I called my boss this morning and asked if surveyors get snow days, and on my way to work I really thought that surveyors should get snow days. =( Lucky for me though, the electricity in town went out, so we couldn't even do office work, and I got to come home to a snowball ambush by the whole family. OUCH!! We built snowmen and sledded (tried to sled) and drank hot chocolate. The snow started last night at about 7:oo PM and didn't stop until about 1:30 Pm today, but it looks like this is just a little respite in the storm so we may see some more snow yet!! Total accumulation all around Safford is 8 to 10 inches at this point. Awesome!!
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