Back to the grind today, but the Holiday Break was wonderful! Lon, Leone, and Jennie were down, arrived on Friday, December 22. Saturday the 23rd, Thomas and I took a drive with the 3 of them up the mountain to see the snow (as if they don't have plenty in Minnesota). And, guess who happened to meet us at the top... Josh and Jordan (with cigars, of course)! Beautiful day on the mountain!
Christmas Eve, Thomas and I hosted a breakfast at our house for everyone, then that afternoon we took all the gifts to Mom and Dad's to open... yes, I know, that's what we usually do Christmas Morning, but I was scheduled to work Christmas Day... then a good ol' game of Uno Attack! Oh, and a visit from Sants, of course!!!
Well, got home on Christmas Eve and had a message from the hospital telling me they were putting my on call for the next day... WOO HOO! So Thomas and I were up early Christmas morning, cell phone in tow, to head to his Grandma's house... Good to see everyone! Then we headed back to my parents' house so Thomas could make Christmas Morning breakfast for everyone... apparently everyone likes the way he does breakfast! It was actually pretty nice to have Christmas day to just relax and have fun! We spent plenty of time swingin' the new Golf Clubs Thomas got for Christmas... I think we could all use a little improvement! We also had a mini trap shoot behind the house... just did all the stuff you can do when you have nothing else you have to do!
The Johnsons left on Tuesday, and I spent the rest of the week being lazy while Thomas had to work! I think it got to him, because Thursday night he actually answered the phone when the hospital called, which led to me working on Friday!
Went to the Hinton house for New Year's Eve... poker and visiting, too much fun! And, here we are... 2007!