Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Very Merry Christmas

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! As for our household, this was Davin's first, and the thing he loved the most was taste testing the wrapping paper as he unwrapped gifts! He also got a very special visit from Santa!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Half Anniversary

9 years ago today, I received a call from Kiley, who told me that she had spoken to Thomas Dupont at the Pepsi Christmas party that evening and decided that he and I should meet. I agreed, and later that night I drove into town to find Kiley and this "Thomas" at the rest stop (classy sounding, I know, but that was actually a common place for us to get the crew together before carrying out our plans for the night). I remember thinking "wow, this guy's pretty cute," as Thomas and I climbed into the car to cruise Main. We talked quite a bit that night, and found out that we actually had a lot in common, and, yes, I did get a kiss! After that, I was hoping and praying that he would call me! He did, and we've been together ever since. We were married exactly 1 1/2 years later on June 8th, and so we've always called this our Half Anniversary. Thomas has told me several times that when he went home the night we met, he told his brother "That's a girl I could marry." Famous last words...

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Santa Claus

Yesterday we took Davin to Park Mall in Tucson to meet Santa Clause for the first time. He did not want to pay attention to Santa or the photographer, he kept looking around in fascination at all the colors surrounding him! We also saw the upper extremity specialist for the first time yesterday, and we will see him again in 6 months. For now, he wants to monitor his growth and development, and will probably do surgery on his hand before he is 2 years old.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mini Compression Stockings

Davin is now 13 pounds, 24 1/4 inches! We went to Tucson the other day to pick up his little compression stockings... hopefully they will bring the swelling down that he had in his feet at birth. The lady at Hangers said they should work fast!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

That's How I Roll

Davin, who has been practicing his roll, managed to roll over several times in a row, traveling across our living room floor a few days ago. He was so proud of himself! Now he tries for a repeat performance every time he plays on the floor, with varied success from day to day.

Monday, November 02, 2009


I am fully aware that Davin will not remember his first Halloween, nor did he get any pleasure from dressing up... But isn't he just too cute? Davin was a dragon, the costume picked by Thom, with irridescent green spikes and wings and the cutest little fat tail. We took him to the Thatcher Middle School Carnival, which Mom was running this year, to get his picture taken and "trick or treat." Then home for dinner and to change into his "after hours" costume, which was a frog. I'm so excited that I finally have a reason to do Halloween!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Graham County Fair

We took Davin to the fair a little over a week ago, his first! He was fascinated by all the lights and movement. And then, like usual, he slept.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Little Swimmer

When I was pregnant with Davin, I bought him a pair of swim trunks and a rash guard, thinking my summer baby would need them, of course! Well, he was a touch smaller than expected, so he only recently grew into them, and I couldn't let the warm weather pass without him being able to put on the swimwear at least once! So, Thom went to the store the other day and found a super cute baby pool for Davin, filled it with about 2 inches of water (super shallow end), and we took Davin outside to splash around. Davin seemed to enjoy it, but he spent most of his time concerned about his green rubber ducky floating around him!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The D-Backs' Newest Fan!

Today we brought Davin on his longest road trip so far to Phoenix for Fandimonium weekend at Chase Field. We had season tickets to the D-Backs this year, but didn't really get to use them because I was on bedrest, and then we had Davin who was just too young. We finally decided that Davin was old enough to tote along, even though he probably won't remember it! He spent the first inning staring at everything and everyone around him (lots of visual stimulation), then he fell asleep until about the fifth inning. When he woke up, he had some good ballpark food (a bottle), then enjoyed a walk around the park. I think it all went pretty well! And, Davin has a new Mark Reynolds bobble head for his bedroom!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Footie Pajamas

In an effort to start a bedtime routine, we've started puting Davin, who has outgrown that swaddle stage, in pajamas, feeding him one last time, then going to sleep. I'll be the first to admit that the routine is far from perfect, and far from mastered, but it's a start. I realize he's only 2 1/2 months old, but he's started getting this tired cry at the same time each night, then eventually falling asleep. So, I guess what we're trying to accomplish is a shortening of the crying period and making bedtime a happy experience for all. Possible? We'll see, but for now, the footie pajamas are the sweetest thing!

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Adventures of Davin and Daddy

Thom has been dying to share his love of the outdoors with Davin, so on Saturday while I was at work, they packed themselves up and ventured up the road to Bonita Creek. I wish I could have been there, but at the same time, I think it's awesome that they are so into father/son time.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Took Davin for his 2 month checkup on Tuesday, he weighs 9 pounds 14 ounces and is 22 inches long! 25th percentile (up from the 5th percentile)! He has such a personality now!

Had to get a huge round of vaccinations, not fun. He was fussy with a low grade fever all day yesterday, poor guy. Feeling better today, though! Now Thom and I get to go get our flu shots today. Wonder if Davin is thinking "haha, karma!"

Monday, September 07, 2009

Labor Day

Hope everyone is having a great labor day! We had a fish fry at Brenda's house last night, also used it as a little birthday celebration for Dad (his actual birthday is tomorrow).

As soon as we walked in, Davin was whisked away... how must it feel to be the most popular man in the room?

He got to meet Sharon Greene and Nana & Papa Cowan for the first time, but he spent most of his time with Erick...

This has been such a cute relationship to watch. The teenage boy in the family, the one who would steriotypically be the least interested in a baby, walked up to me and asked "hey, Nicole, can I hold him?" So, carrier strapped onto the front oh him with Davin inside, Erick walked, danced, and made funny noises, whatever would make the baby happy. Love it!