Friday, August 29, 2014

How to get Huge Lashes!

We all want long lashes, right?  It's like the new boobs.  Everyone wants a bigger pair. I am not into lash extensions, and I don't love taking the time to put on false lashes every morning (plus I usually tend to mess it up somehow).  With that in mind, this is how I do my lashes when I want them BIG BIG BIG (and not spidery). 

You need:
  • 3D Fiber Lashes (no worries, it's just the worlds greatest mascara, not extensions or falsies)
  • Lash Comb
  • Blowdryer (you read right, no lash curler for me)
The basics... there are 2 tubes in the 3D Fiber Lashes, Gel and Green Tea Fiber.  You start by coating your lashes with gel, brushing fibers onto the tips, and then coating again with gel (that way the fibers don't flake off).  You can do this for as many coats as you want to get the results you want.  You can use the comb to get rid of any clumps as needed.  Then, when I'm done, I use my blowdryer on high heat, low speed to blow my lashes from below for about 15 seconds (this curls them, I swear), then I give them a blast of cool air to set the mascara.

You know what, just go watch this... it will make so much more sense.  Seeing is believing.

To see more, please subscribe to my YouTube channel, follow me on Facebook, or visit my website. Or, you can email me at with any questions. :-)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Warning... a potty training post

My Tiny Princess has been using the potty. Finally. No, she's not perfect. Yes, we have accidents. But she's, like, majorly proud of herself. And we celebrate that like crazy in this house.
Now, since I know there will be flames from some out there, here's my philosophy on potty training: it doesn't need to be a fight. True, she's 3, and I would have loved to have her trained at 2. But she just didn't care.  And to me, I would so much rather not have the experience be traumatic for both of us. Yes, you know it's traumatic for you to have to beg your child to use the potty, force then to wear big kid undies, then throw those undies that you paid good money for into the trash because they were pooped in anyway.  And I'm not a fan of washing out poopy undies.  So we waited until she was confident that she could hold it and tell me when she had to go.  That's when we broke out the big girl panties (she flat out refused to give up her pull ups when I offered panties to get before). Sure, she pooped in them once (so far), but this is her choice now to wear them, which, I think, makes her want to do good at this way more than if I had forced it.  And of course, I diligently inspect every bit of poop and pee that goes in the potty, then we high five, fist bump, hug, and sometimes even call daddy.  Oh, and her brother celebrates with her, too.
So, for us, we're way proud!  And way less stressed about it, too.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Moms Cry, Too

I spend so much time trying to help my children learn and grow, and hoping they'll catch on to life soon, that sometimes I forget to just watch them. And then I run into a day like today where I can't help but cry a little and wonder when my babies grew up.
Two weeks ago, Davin started Kindergarten. He's been doing fabulous, by the way. Here's hoping it stays that way, but I think his teacher is a much better fit for him (and all around teacher) than his preschool teacher was.
I've been hanging out with Charis a lot more since her brother is in school, and let me tell you, she's a pretty cool little chick. Her personality just shines and she really has matured a bit even in just her two weeks of exclusive mommy time.
Yesterday, Davin had the first practice of his second (SECOND!) season of soccer, while Charis went to her very first dance class. They both did great. Amazing. Conducted themselves well.
What the heck happened here? When did they decide to grow up on me?  When did they turn into the coolest kids ever?
So, that's why this mom had to shed a few tears today. Hormones? Maybe. I don't know. But I know I'll be paying much closer attention from now on.