So, we've made it this far in our pregnancy, but not without a few bumps in the road. Let me just say, this is not how I saw things going when we planned to get pregnant! At 33 weeks, I was admitted to our local hospital, where I work, because my blood pressure was elevated and I was having some contractions. After about 2 days there, they had stopped the contractions and administered a full cycle of steroids to help Pickle develop should we have to deliver early, and I was discharged to home on bedrest... so officially no more work for me until after Pickle makes an appearance in the outside world.
I had an appointment for a Non-stress Test the day after I was discharged, so I went in for that, and started vomiting and my blood pressure spiked, so back into the hospital I went. The end result of that was me being shipped to Tucson via ambulance with mild preeclampsia, and being told at the time that we may have to deliver the baby at 34 weeks.
And, here we are, at 35 weeks, still pregnant, still at TMC, and being told that I am "super stable," and that I will be here, on bedrest, until they deliver the baby at 37 weeks unless something goes downhill. Last unltrasound said Pickle is around 5 pounds 13 ounces. And, after all this bedrest, I have ankles again (still swollen, though).
Thomas is still working, of course, but has cut back on his hours a little so he can come to Tucson at the end of the week to be with me, which is wonderful, because I miss him so much. My family has come to visit quite a bit, also, they keep me from getting too lonely up here.
For now, though, with my super stable status, I am being the best incubator I can be, and I know it will be totally worth it when I see this little boy for the first time.