but if you could have seen him in person, you would have seen what looks much more like a baby now at the ultrasound today (sweet chubby cheeks, the works). I think he may have Thomas' nose. Thomas could see the screen a little better than me, but I guess I'll get to see him in person soon enough. We're at 32 weeks now, so not long to go! According to the ultrasound tech and her extensive technology, Pickle is already weighing in at roughly 4 pounds 8 ounces. And, Dr. Tran says I'm measuring at 34 weeks, so looks like we may have a big baby on our hands. Only time will tell.

Now, speaking of time, I'm not sure I fully realized how long 40 weeks can be to anticipate the birth of a child. Especially in light of all that pregnancy puts your body through during those 40 weeks. Most of it I expected (nausea, weight gain), but I was not prepared for the fatigue and the swelling. I'm sure I had heard about them in passing, and didn't give them much thought, but they are a pretty big deal here at the end of this pregnancy. There are so many things I want to get done every day, even fun things, but all too often a good long nap wins out. And the swelling will go down part of the way overnight, but one hour out of bed and I'm the Michelin Man again. I hate that I can't wear my wedding ring, and even my nose is swollen. My nose!
Not that I'm complaining (ok, maybe a little). I fully realize what the purpose here is, and look forward to seeing my little miracle very soon. And I would do it all again. My favorite thing about pregnancy? Feeling him kick and move and squirm inside my belly. It's like our own little reassuring form of communication. But I am so ready to have a beautiful, healthy baby in my arms and not be pregnant anymore. This waiting is killer!
By the way, Thomas just asked me if I had ever mentioned (which I didn't because it happened during that long dormancy this fall/winter) that he passed his test and is now an LSIT (land surveryor in training). So proud of him! My man is goin' places!